Mouchez (moon crater)

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Mouchez - LROC - WAC.JPG
Mouchez with side crater ( LROC -WAC)
Mouchez (Moon North Pole Region)
position 78.44 °  N , 26.83 °  W Coordinates: 78 ° 26 '24 "  N , 26 ° 49' 48"  W.
diameter 83 km
depth 1380 m
Card sheet 3 (PDF)
Named after Ernest Mouchez (1821-1892), French naval officer and astronomer
Named since 1935
Unless otherwise stated, the information comes from the entry in the IAU / USGS database


Mouchez is an impact crater on the Moon on the northwestern edge of the Moon's front . The heavily eroded and partially leveled crater is northeast of Pascal and northwest of Anaxagoras .

List of Mouchez minor craters
Letter position diameter link
A. 80.86 °  N , 30.32 °  W 47 km [1]
B. 78.34 °  N , 23.12 °  W 8 kilometers [2]
C. 77.41 °  N , 26.18 °  W 13 km [3]
J 79.5 °  N , 38.59 °  W 17 km [4]
L. 78.7 °  N , 40.8 °  W 19 km [5]
M. 80.25 °  N , 50.16 °  W 17 km [6]

The crater was named by the IAU in 1935 after the French naval officer and astronomer Amédée Mouchez .

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