Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn Ghaniya

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Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn Ghaniya , Arabic محمد بن إسحاق بن غانية, DMG muḥammad ibn isḥāq ibn ġānīya , was twice for a short time as Muhammad II. Emir in the Taifa of Mallorca .


Family tree of the Ghaniyid rulers

Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn Ghaniya was one of the sons of Ishaq ibn Muhammad ibn Ghaniya (1155 to 1183).


After the death of his father in 1183, Muhammad took control of the Taifa of Mallorca as emir. Since he could no longer withstand the incessant attacks of the Almohads , he preferred to submit to their caliph Abu Yaqub Yusuf I. in 1184 . This left the Ghaniyids his local authority, but he was joined by his legate Ali ibn Reverter (also Ali ibn Rubaytir or Ruburtayr), a former mercenary of Catalan origin.

A popular uprising in 1184 restored the power of the Ghaniyids, the Almohads were driven out and Ali ibn Reverter captured. But the Emir now became Ali ibn Ishaq ibn Ghaniya , a brother of Muhammad. Ali brought all of his supporters together and decided to cross to North Africa to attack the Almohads there. During his absence, he left the affairs of state in Mallorca to his brother Talha ibn Ishaq ibn Ghaniya .

However, as soon as Ali's Almoravid forces had sailed for northern Algeria, Muhammad, who had also been incarcerated during the uprising, managed to free himself from prison together with Ali ibn Reverter. He then incited the population to revolt, which was crowned with success and could overthrow Talha. As a result, Muhammad returned to the throne in 1185, which he was to keep until 1187, but during this time he had to formally submit to the Almohads. After the Almohads had sent Abu-l-Abbas al-Siqilli as the new governor, Muhammad found himself deprived of all power. Against the advice of his older family members, he then sought to enter into an alliance with Alfonso II .

During these two years (1185 to 1187), the Almohads under Abu-l-Abbas actually ruled the Balearic Islands . However, the islands were re-conquered for the Ghaniyids in 1187 by Abd Allah ibn Ishaq ibn Ghaniya , who had returned from North Africa. For his part, Muhammad evaded to Africa, joined his brother Ali and took part in the battle of the plain of al-Umra on June 14, 1187 , in which he was killed.

predecessor Office successor
Ishaq ibn Muhammad ibn Ghaniya Emir of Mallorca
Ali ibn Ishaq ibn Ghaniya
Talha ibn Ishaq ibn Ghaniya Emir of Mallorca
Taixfin ibn Ishaq ibn Ghaniya