Mundus (general)

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Mundus († 536 ) was an East Roman general under Emperor Justinian I .

Little is known about his early life other than that he fought as a soldier of fortune and mercenary in the Hunnic service and was apparently a Gepid . In 529, Mundus (Mundo) was appointed magister militum for the Eastern Roman troops in Illyricum and on the Danube border by the Emperor Justinian . In this capacity he managed to repel an incursion by the Slavs and Hunno-Bulgarians . In 531 he supported the general Belisarius in the fighting in the east against the Sassanids , where he took part in the Battle of Callinicum (see also Roman-Persian Wars ). Mundus was appointed magister militum per Orientem as successor to Belisarius after the battle . In 532 he was recalled to Constantinople , where he witnessed the Nika uprising . Mundus was loyal to the emperor and helped to stifle the unrest by force and to put down the supporters of the opposing emperor Flavius ​​Hypatius in the hippodrome.

At the beginning of the Gothic War in 535 he led the troops on the Illyrian front and conquered the city of Salona , but the next year he was killed in the fighting.

The most important source for the life of the Mundus is Prokopios of Caesarea .
