The word Munizipal (lat.) Is out of date for "urban, concerning a municipality". It is synonymous with communal ( concerning the community ).
Typical uses are Munizipalbehörde or Munizipalbeamter or for a municipal authority a municipal officials, municipal constitution for the constitution of a municipality and municipality (French. Municipalité ) for the municipal officials body. The latter designation is particularly common in France, where the municipality is made up of the mayor , his or her councilors (French: adjoints ) and one or, in larger cities, several police commissioners. In addition, there is the Munizipalrat (French conseil municipal ), a college for the protection of the municipal interests, which corresponds to the municipality or city council. Furthermore, there is the municipal law , the urban rights granted to a municipality . Municipium is synonymous .
Web links
- Munizipāl . In: Meyers Konversations-Lexikon . 4th edition. Volume 11, Verlag des Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig / Vienna 1885–1892, p. 884.
- Munizipāl . In: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon . 6th edition. Volume 14, Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig / Vienna 1908, p. 261 .