Murata Shūgyo

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Murata Shūgyo ( Japanese 村田 周 魚 , real name: Murata Taisuke ( 村田 泰 ​​助 ); born November 17, 1889 in Tokyo Prefecture ; † April 11, 1967 ) was a Japanese poet.

Murata began writing haiku at the age of six and turned to senryu at the age of seventeen . He is considered one of the six great Senryū poets ( 六 大家 , rokudaika ) and was one of the founders of the Kiyari Senryū Club , the largest association of Senryū poets in Tokyo. Murata has published several volumes of poetry (including Shugyo kushu , 周 魚 句 集 ; Senryu zatsuwa , 川 柳 雑 話 ; Meiso dokugo , 明 窓 独 語 ). A selection of his works was published in Tokyo in 1979.


Individual evidence

  1. 村田 周 魚 . In: デ ジ タ ル 版 日本人 名 大 辞典 + Plus at Retrieved December 22, 2016 (Japanese).