Pierre W. Feit

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Pierre Willibrord Feit (* 1941 ) is a German Hautboist and emeritus music professor.


He studied at the Musikhochschule in Saarbrücken and from 1962 to 1964 at the Folkwang School in Essen, where he passed the concert exam for oboe , and became principal oboist with the Philharmonic Orchestra Essen. In 1963 he received the Folkwang Prize. Since April 1968 he was a university teacher at the Folkwang School, initially as a lecturer, from 1972 to 1974 as a lecturer and from March 1974 as professor for oboe. He retired on July 31, 2006.

Discography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Large: Personalia for the winter semester 2006/07. A farewell. Folkwang University of the Arts, September 26, 2006, archived from the original on December 21, 2016 ; Retrieved December 20, 2016 .