Murheellists laulujen maa

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Murheellisten laulujen maa ("The Land of Sad Songs") is a song by the Finnish rock band Eppu Normaali . It was released on the album Tie vie in1982and is one of the band's most famous songs.

The title Murheellisten laulujen maa refers to the Finns' tendency to melancholy and paints an extremely bleak picture of Finland as a "cold country in the north", where "even the forefathers beat up their wives and children drunk if they could only catch them" . The song is about a man who wants to avoid this fate and decides "never to buy an ax and never to drink alcohol". But because “the employment agency doesn't offer any work, the hand of fate infuses him with schnapps”. So things take their ominous course and his family has to flee into the snow threatened with an ax: “Unemployment, schnapps, the ax and the family; Snow, the police and the last mistake ”.

Eppu Normaali wrote Murheellists laulujen maa as a parody of the many melancholy, tearful Finnish hits and tried to use as many sad clichés as possible. The lyrics are full of intertextual references that range from teaching stories of the nineteenth-century abstinence movement ("Turmiolan Tommi") to Frans Eemil Sillanpää's marching song from the time of the Winter War and the contemporary hit Elämän valttikortit ("The trump cards of life") . The concentrated collection of Finnish melancholy did not fail to have its effect, so that many listeners did not want to perceive the song as a parody: When the largest Finnish daily Helsingin Sanomat voted for the darkest Finnish song in a readers' vote in 2006, Murheellist laulujen maa took fourth place.


  1. Z. 2-5: Tähän maahan pohjoiseen / Jossa jo esi-isät / Juovuksissa tottakai / Hakkasivat vaimot, lapset, jos ne sai kiinni.
  2. Z. f .: 8 En koskaan osta kirvestä / Enkä koskaan Viinaa juo.
  3. Z. 13 f .: Courage kun työnvälityksestä työtä ei saa / Hälle kohtalon koura juottaa väkijuomaa.
  4. Z. 26 f .: Työttömyys, viina, kirves ja perhe / Lumihanki, poliisi ja viimeinen erhe.

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