Musa Mako Tabuni

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Musa Mako Tabuni (* in Wamena ; † June 14, 2012 ) was a West Papuan politician and deputy chairman of the National Committee for West Papua (KNPB). He was one of the leading activists of the Papuan independence movement and shortly before his death called on the Indonesian parliament to hold a referendum in West Papua. Tabuni and his family were themselves victims of human rights abuses in West Papua in 1980.

Political activity and death

When the National Committee for West Papua was established by a number of Papuan NGOs on November 19, 2008 , Tabuni was elected Vice-Chairman of the KNPB.

He was shot dead in the street on June 14, 2012 at around 9:30 a.m. Eyewitnesses reported that he was walking in the residential district of Wamena when suddenly three cars stopped near him and he was shot at from the direction of those cars. He fell to the ground and the plainclothes men fired further warning shots to drive away the curious. Then these men threw the Tabuni lying on the ground into a car and drove away. It was later announced that he had died in the Bhayangkara Military Hospital.

Instead, Indonesian authorities said he resisted his arrest for inciting unrest and fired back.

After his death became known, supporters of the KNPB took to the streets and set cars and motorcycles on fire. There were protests, especially in Wamena. The death of Tabuni caused a sensation worldwide and the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary and arbitrary executions , Christof Heyns , was informed by organizations.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Indonesian police kill Papua separatist Mako Tabuni. In: BBC News, June 14, 2012.