Coracobrachialis muscle

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Coracobrachialis muscle
Course of the coracobrachialis muscle
Coracoid process of the scapula
Inner side of the humerus , opposite the deltoid tuberosity
Adduction , anteversion and internal rotation of the arm
Musculocutaneous nerve of the brachial plexus
Spinal segments
C6, C7

The coracobrachialis muscle ( Latin for “hook arm muscle” or “raven beak upper arm muscle ”) is one of the skeletal muscles of the upper arm . It arises together with the short arm of the biceps brachii muscle and is fused with it in its proximal part. The musculocutaneous nerve passes through the muscle . When the arm is raised, the muscle becomes visible through the skin and leads the vascular-nerve road of the upper arm on its inside.


The main function of the coracobrachialis muscle is to fix the humerus in the shoulder joint socket. Its other functions are adduction (pulling towards the body), anteversion (pulling forward) and internal rotation of the arm.