Levator veli palatini muscle

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Levator veli palatini muscle
Temporal bone , Eustachian tube
Soft palate
Soft palate lifter
Pharyngeal plexus from the Nn. vagus et glossopharyngeus

The levator veli palatini muscle ( Latin for "soft palate lifter") is a rounded skeletal muscle of the head. It arises from the pars petrosa of the temporal bone ( os temporale ) and the inner plate of the eustachian tube and radiates into the soft palate ( velum palatinum , also known as the “soft palate” palatum molle ). He tenses up during the act of swallowing and lifts the soft palate. This prevents food from entering the nasopharynx . The innervation occurs through the pharyngeal plexus ( pharyngeal plexus ), mainly via fibers of the vagus nerve ( cranial nerve X).

In addition, the muscle, together with the tensor veli palatini muscle , supports the opening of the eustachian tube and is thus involved in equalizing the pressure between the outside world and the middle ear . In horses , the muscle lies on the airbag valve and regulates its opening.

Individual evidence

  1. Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology (FCAT): Terminologia Anatomica. Thieme, Stuttgart 1998, ISBN 3-13-114361-4 .