Internus abdominis oblique muscle

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Internus abdominis oblique muscle
Inguinal ligament , iliac crest , anterior superior iliac spine, thoracolumbar fascia , costal process L1-L5
Cartilage of the lower four ribs , linea alba
Flexors of the trunk, expiration
Nervi intercostal , Nervi subcostales , nerve ilioinguinalis , nerve iliohypogastricus
Spinal segments

The musculus obliquus internus abdominis ( lat. For "internal oblique abdominal muscle") is one of the abdominal muscles and forms the middle layer of the muscular abdominal wall. The muscle fibers of the fan-shaped muscle plate (in humans Down outside the animal behind-the outside) (in man above-inside the animal front-inside) directed largely from kaudolateral according craniomedial and intersect with those of the abdominal external oblique muscle in a 90 ° angle. Its broad tendon plate ( aponeurosis ) forms the linea alba together with those of the musculus obliquus externus abdominis and the musculus transversus abdominis . A splitting off of the muscle forms the testicle lifter ( cremaster muscle ) in men .

The conduction pathways of the abdominal wall run in the layer between the musculus obliquus internus abdominis and the muscle transversus abdominis .

The muscle internal oblique flexes the trunk, presses the stomach together and is involved in the exhalation ( expiration ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Thomas Hill: Examination Knowledge Physikum . Georg Thieme, Stuttgart 2009, ISBN 978-3-13-152131-6 , p. 263 .
  2. Walther Graumann: Compact textbook anatomy . tape 2 . Schattauer, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 978-3-7945-2062-6 , pp. 68 .
  3. Walther Graumann: Compact textbook anatomy . tape 2 . Schattauer, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 978-3-7945-2062-6 , pp. 72 .