Museo Arqueológico Nacional de España

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Museo Arqueológico Nacional
Room with Roman mosaics
Consecration crown of the Visigoth king Rekkeswinth with pendilies

The Museo Arqueológico Nacional de España (short: MAN ; German: National Archaeological Museum of Spain ) is the Spanish national museum of archeology in Madrid .


The museum was founded in 1867. After the museum had been closed for renovations for six years, it reopened on April 1, 2014. The New Archaeological Museum, called “MAN” for short, is now a four-story, light-flooded exhibition building with an area of ​​approx. 10,000 m². The new museum has around 13,000 exhibits in a total of forty halls.


The museum places a special focus on historical finds from the Spanish part of the Iberian Peninsula . Important exhibits include the famous Iberian sculptures of the Dama de Elche and the Dama de Baza , as well as the rebuilt mausoleum of Pozo Moro from the late 6th century BC. In addition, the Roman mosaics and the Visigothic consecration crown of King Rekkeswinth are worth mentioning.,

Another special feature of the museum is the replica of the Altamira Cave , which is famous for its rich, prehistoric rock paintings .

There is also an Egyptian , Greek , Roman and Islamic collection.

A new highlight of the museum is the numismatics department with around 300,000 coins .

Web links

Commons : Museo Arqueológico Nacional de España  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tesoro de Guarrazar (Guarrazar's Treasure). In: National Archaeological Museum of Spain. Retrieved July 24, 2020 (Spanish).

Coordinates: 40 ° 25 ′ 24 ″  N , 3 ° 41 ′ 20 ″  W.