Musical monuments (Academy of Sciences and Literature)

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Musical Monuments is a series of historical works of music published by the Commission for Musicology of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz . The series has been published in Mainz since 1955.


  1. Northern Italian figural passions of the 16th century; Giovanni Nasco , Cyprian de Rore , Jachet von Mantua , Giovanni Matteo Asola
  2. The chansons of Gilles Binchois
  3. 46 chorales for organ by JP Sweelinck and his German students
  4. Aria musicali (Florence 1630) - Girolamo Frescobaldi
  5. Il primo libro de balli (Venice 1578) - Giorgio Mainerio
  6. Polyphonic lamentations from the first half of the 16th century
  7. Masses - Heinrich Isaac
  8. Masses - Heinrich Isaac
  9. The classic string quintet
  10. The Wolfenbüttel chansonnier
  11. Suites for orchestra - Johann Sigismund Kusser

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