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Mutsie , also spelled Mußie or Musje, as well as Misjes or Müßjes, was a Dutch measure of volume for liquids, especially for wine and brandy .

It was common in the retail trade. The measure could also be divided into half mutsie.

The dimensional chain was

  • 1 mingle = 2 pints = 4 half pints = 8 mutsie
  • 1 Mutsie = 7.5 Parisian cubic inches = 3/20 liter = 0.15 liter
  • 1 Mutsie = ¼ pint (French)
  • 16 Mutsie = 1 Stov / Stof
  • 128 Mutsie = 1 pot
  • 512 Mutsie = 1 anchor
  • 1024 Mutsie = 1 ohm


  • Johann Karl Gottfried Jacobsson, Otto Ludwig Hartwig, Gottfried Erich Rosenthal: Technological dictionary, or alphabetical explanation of all useful mechanical arts, manufactories, factories and craftsmen, as well as all works, instruments, tools and artificial words, according to their nature and true use. Volume 3, Friedrich Nicolai, Berlin / Stettin 1783, p. 113.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Georg Krünitz , Friedrich Jakob Floerken, Heinrich Gustav Flörke, Johann Wilhelm David Korth, Carl Otto Hoffmann, Ludwig Kossarski: Economic Encyclopedia. Volume 99, Joachim Pauli, Berlin 1810, p. 242.
  2. ^ Johann Friedrich Krüger : Complete manual of the coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world. Verlag Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg / Leipzig 1830, p. 199.
  3. Joseph Marx Liechtenstern: General German subject dictionary of all human knowledge and skills. Volume 6, FW Goedsche, Meißen 1836, p. 387.