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NACSIS Webcat ( 総 合 目録 デ ー タ ベ ー ス WWW 検 索 サ ー ビ ス ) or its further development Webcat Plus is a freely accessible bibliographic database from Japan that forms a Japanese library network .

The Webcat contains the scientific books and journals in Japanese university libraries and research institutions. In future, the holdings of the Japanese National Library will also be searchable via Webcat Plus. The participating institutions of the association enter their data into a common database using the NACSIS-CAT cataloging system. Webcat and Webcat Plus are therefore the search interfaces for this catalog system. Most academic libraries in Japan list their holdings in the union catalog so that you can see which libraries in Japan can find the book you are looking for. Webcat Plus currently has listings for approximately 12 million book titles. However, it can be assumed that not all old holdings have been retro-cataloged yet.

The catalogs are offered by the National Institute of Informatics (NII). Since April 1, 2005, Webcat Plus has also been part of the NII's academic information portal for databases, GeNii (pronounced Dschienie ), the Global Environment for Networked Intellectual Information .

Webcat Plus is the further development of the Webcat catalog, which has been in operation since 1998.


You can enter English or Japanese search terms, the latter in the written forms Romaji , Hiragana , Katakana or also as Kanji . For example, if you enter the English term “Tokyo”, approx. 5000 English-language book titles will be displayed.

Once you have found a title, you can display the libraries in which a copy can be found. A range of data can be displayed on the respective libraries, for example their website and directions, but in Japanese.


Webcat Plus uses the GETA engine to implement the associative search function.

Web links