National contact and information point for stimulating and supporting self-help groups

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The national contact and information center for the suggestion and support of self-help groups ( NAKOS ) in Berlin is an institution of the German Working Group on Self-Help Groups (DAG SHG).

History and fields of activity

NAKOS was founded in 1984. The facility sees its role as a cross-thematic and cross-organizational point of contact for the concerns of self-help groups , self-help support and self-help promotion in Germany. As a central federal network institution, NAKOS wants to bring the actors together and represent the fundamental concerns of self-help in public and in politics. NAKOS wants to raise awareness about the possibilities of self-help for those affected and their relatives.

As a service facility, NAKOS offers information and support services for citizens, self-help groups, experts and the media. It develops and publishes information about the possibilities and benefits of self-help groups (educational brochures, information sheets, work aids, posters). Via its address database, NAKOS enables contact options to 270 national self-help associations, 51 self-help internet forums and 54 self-help institutions, to 300 local self-help contact points and support centers and - in the case of rare illnesses and problems - to people who are equally affected.

For employees in self-help contact points ( KISS ), NAKOS organizes the professional exchange through specialist conferences, workshops and further training offers. In doing so, she works with state institutions for self-help support and working groups of self-help contact points at the state level.

NAKOS publishes studies with information on the field of self-help and self-help support in Germany. Via its address directories, specialist materials and training measures, it offers experts in social and health-related care institutions orientation aids for working with self-help groups. It aims to convey to political and administrative decision-makers, through specialist conferences and statements, concepts for appropriate support and promotion of self-help groups.

The work of the NAKOS is financed entirely through subsidies. At the federal level, the facility receives lump-sum funding from the GKV community funding as well as project-related funding from the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and the statutory health insurance according to Section 20h SGB ​​V. The offers are free and open to all interested parties.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Further information on the "Green Addresses" - community self-help in Germany. In: August 24, 2017, accessed on September 9, 2017 (data as of June 21, 2017).
  3. Financing. In: Retrieved September 2, 2017 .
  4. Christina Rose: Self-help: 25 years of NAKOS . In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt . Volume 106, issue 31–32, August 3, 2009, pp. A 1542 ( online [PDF; accessed on September 2, 2017]).