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Infobox radio tower icon
TV station ( state )
Program type Full program
reception Antenna (analog) ( DVB-T ), cable (analog) ( DVB-C ), satellite ( DVB-S ) and IPTV (Internet)
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission July 11, 1988
owner PRD (Government Public Relation Department) & NBT (National Broadcasting Services of Thailand)
List of TV channels
Thomson studio camera with the MBT logo from 2008–2009

NBT TV ( Thai สถานี วิทยุ โทรทัศน์ แห่ง ประเทศไทย , translated “Radio and TV station of Thailand”, ส ทท for short ), formerly Channel 11, is a nationwide full terrestrial television program in Thailand .

The station is owned by the government's Public Relations Department (PRD). It has set up the National Broadcasting Services of Thailand (NBT) to operate the program . This also operates Radio Thailand . NBT TV had an average audience rating of 2.3% and an advertising market share of 4.0% in the second quarter of 2011.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Monwipa Wongrujira: Democratizing Communication. Media Activism and Broadcasting Reform in Thailand. Florida State University, 2008, pp. 59-61.
  2. MCOT Analyst Briefing Q2 2011 (PDF; 1.5 MB), August 16, 2011.