NSDAP local group

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Organizational scheme (1937)

The local group of the NSDAP was the regional organization of the party below the district level . The local group leader presided over her. An adjutant, the base manager (until 1938), was at his side as a deputy. In the country it comprised one or more municipalities and in cities it corresponded to city districts and neighborhoods. After the organizational reform of 1936 it should not include more than 1,500 households.

A local NSDAP group usually consisted of eight cells, which were subordinate to a cell leader . Each of these cells was divided into four to eight blocks, each of which was controlled by a block leader .

The branches and affiliated associations of the NSDAP ( DAF , NS-Frauenschaft , NSV , etc.) were subject to the local group leader for disciplinary purposes. Most of the local groups bore the name of the municipality belonging to their area, which became the seat of the local group.


  • Meyers Lexikon , 8th edition, 8th volume, Leipzig 1940, Col. 129.
  • Wolfgang Benz , Hermann Graml , Hermann Weiß (eds.): Encyclopedia of National Socialism , 5th edition, Munich 2007, p. 689.
  • Carl-Wilhelm Reibel: The foundation of the dictatorship: The NSDAP local groups 1932-1945. Paderborn 2002, ISBN 3-506-77528-6 .

Individual evidence

  1. Organization book of the NSDAP , 4th edition, Munich 1937, p. 125.