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Nakum is an important archaeological site of the classic Maya culture in the National Park Yaxha-Nakum-Naranjo in Petén Department , Guatemala .

Brief description

Nakum is directly related to Yaxha and Naranjo in terms of its geographical location, archaeological development and layout . The entire complex has been nominated for UNESCO World Heritage status since 2002 .

Nakum is located approx. 18 km east of Tikal . Stone monuments suggest that the urban structure was settled around the period 450–950. The city belonged to Tikal's sphere of influence, but could have gained its sovereignty at the height of its cultural development in the 9th and 10th centuries.

Count Maurice Perigny rediscovered Nakum in 1905.

The steles date to the 8th century, the remarkable main buildings date from the late Classical era . Building E had 44 rooms. Building A shows very unusual and therefore rare round arches for Mayan architecture, which, however, were bricked up during the late classical period. The buildings are grouped around a central square and arranged according to the cardinal points.


Web links

Commons : Nakum  - collection of images, videos and audio files