Namény red

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Namény red
Namény red
Art Cultivated apple ( Malus domestica )
origin Hungary

Cross of
Jonathan ×

List of apple varieties

The Naményer Red or Naményer Jonathan is in Hungary bred apple variety . It belongs to the Jonathan variety group and originated as a natural bud mutation of the local variety "Jonathan" in an apple orchard in Vásárosnamény , in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county , it got its name from the place where the mutation was found and propagated.


In the 1960s and 1970s, the Jonathan plants were the basis of apple production in Hungary. After that, the facilities are gradually out of date, the breeders and specialists wanted to find new mutations in the apple orchards as starting material for further selections.

The bud mutation that led to the variety was discovered in June 1970 by István Kiss, the production manager of the agricultural production cooperative “Sowjetstern” in Vásárosnamény, in a 35-year-old apple orchard. The variety was recognized by the government in 1979, quickly spread to the area and soon became the most popular variety there. It was later supplanted by modern strains, although some growers continue to maintain the strain and want it to bloom again.


Taste and aroma are similar to the basic variety "Jonathan", but the color and ripening time of the fruits differ. So far no resistance of the variety has been proven, it should be classified as a powdery mildew-sensitive variety, although according to some information it is less sensitive to powdery mildew and storage diseases than the basic variety.

Drive system

The Naményer Rote grows moderately, its shoot system is hanging. Its shoots are thicker than those of the basic variety, and the leaf tissue is coarser. Its drive system is easy to shape even at the age of production. The fruit branches age early and need regular pruning.


The strong red body color typical of the Jonathan variety is even more emphasized in the Namény red. The body color appears earlier, at the end of August. The initially thickly striped, soon gradually coherent, washed-out body color is deceptive: the early color does not mean that the fruits ripen earlier. The correct harvest time is not determined by the top color, but by the basic color. Compared to the basic variety and the other Hungarian mutations, this later changes from green to yellow, which means that the harvest date and consumption season are eight to twelve days later. The characteristic fruit color also develops satisfactorily in the inner, shady parts of the crown. The fruits are relatively small with a weight of 120–130 grams.


The Naményer Rote is well suited for fresh consumption as well as for industrial processing, especially for the production of apple juice , apple schnapps, apple chips, apple jam (apple butter), apple syrup , apple sauce and apple cider vinegar .

Literature and Sources

  • Miklós Soltész (editor): Magyar gyümölcsfajták. (Hungarian fruits). Mezőgazda, Budapest 2014, ISBN 978-963-286-698-7 . (Hungarian)
  • Magdolna Tóth, Mária Höhn: Az alma. (The Apple). Agroinform, Budapest 2013, ISBN 978-963-502-968-6 . (Hungarian)
  • Ferenc Pethő: Alma. (The Apple). Mezögazdasági Kiadó, Budapest 1984, OCLC 916967720 . (Hungarian)
  • Miklós Soltész, János Apostol and others: Gyümölcsfajtaismeret és -használat. (Knowledge and consumption of fruit varieties). Mezőgazda, Budapest 1998, ISBN 963-9121-48-7 . (Hungarian)