Fools Guild Horb

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The Narrenzunft Horb is an association for the cultural and historical maintenance of the Horber carnival customs in the sense of the Swabian-Alemannic carnival .


The Horb fools guild was officially founded on January 9, 1923, but it has been proven that Faßnacht was celebrated in Horb as early as 1449. The oldest barrel night order found dates back to 1550.

Today the Horb fool's guild has around 700 members, around 350 of whom are active rabbits . On the fat Thursday and on Carnival Monday , the number of active haters increases significantly.

The Horb fool's guild is one of the founding members of the “Närrischen Freundsring Neckar-Gäu”, which was founded in 1968 and now includes 26 guilds from the region around Horb.

Course of the Horber carnival

The bride and groom and the carnival tradition begin every year with the 11.11. following saturday. At this event, the events in Horber are caricatured in an almost familiar atmosphere and the couple of counts for the coming season are presented to the public and the fools.

On January 6th, the masks are removed from the masks by the court marshal and jester's council, dusted off and given to the groups. In the period up to the main carnival, the guild organizes the opening ball. The street carnival "Spass uf d'r Gass" begins on a fat Thursday with the handover of the keys on the historic market square. From now on the fools have sovereignty in the Neckarstadt and the people greet each other with the Horber fool's cry Horrido. On Carnival Saturday there is a children's ball in the Hohenberghalle in Horb. This is also where the feeding of the fool's seeds takes place.

The highlight of the street carnival is the procession through the alleys of Horb, which is designed by groups of feet from the area and framed by a huge number of partying spectators.

Figures of the Horber Fasnet

The Horber Fasnet includes different groups.

  • The jester organizes and directs the carnival every year. At his head the guild master. The council of fools consists of male and venerable Horber citizens. This committee also includes the group spokesperson for each mask group.
  • the Horber count couple: Traditionally, Count Rudolf von Hohenberg and Countess Ita von Toggenburg rule the Horber carnival . You are accompanied by two pages and the court marshal.
  • the Horber Kropfer with wedding procession and musicians (painted white jesters): They were founded in 1952 and brought back to life in 1974. They got their name because in early Horb many citizens had a goiter due to a lack of iodine in their drinking water. The group is set up as a wedding procession based on the wall paintings of the Horber town hall. This includes the white fools and the Bremen town musicians. Since these are historical original robes, the entire group usually only runs on Carnival Sunday and Carnival Monday.
  • the Horber witches with devil and fire witch: Head witch can only be a female member of the group. The group was founded in 1960 by Horber civic women.
  • the Horber Stäpfeleshopser with bell stick: The group was founded in 1962. The Stäpfeleshopser, who got their name from the many Horber stairs, have over 70 active people who are dressed in the city colors of white and red. The Stäpfeleshopser is a basic part of the coat of arms of the Narrenzunft Horb eV and, so to speak, the guild's trademark.
  • the Horber tower villains with pillory: The all-male group celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2013.
  • the Hornauer Stoibrecher: The group has existed since 1974 and is the largest group in the Horber guild.
  • the gargoyles with plague women: They are the second youngest group of the Horber guild. Your mask is based on figures from a Horber fountain. This group is currently dormant.
  • der Horber Schantle: The group was brought back to life in 2003. The origins of this figure in Horb go back to the 1930s.

Overview of previous count pairs

The count couple ruling over the carnival season is entitled: "Count Rudolf von Hohenberg and Countess Ita von Toggenburg":

  • 2020 Count couple: Sina David and Nico Berger
  • 2019 Count couple: Manuela and Christoph Straub
  • 2018 Count couple: Sabine and Götz Peter
  • 2017 Count couple: Birgit Heinzelmann and Daniel Wagner
  • 2016 Count couple: Julia Gunkel and Markus Blank
  • 2015 Count couple: Michaela and Thorsten Katz
  • 2014 Count couple: Olga Lopez and Gerhard Munding
  • 2013 Count couple: Christoph and Susanne Baiker
  • 2012 Count couple: Antje and Stefan Fox
  • 2011 Count couple: Steffi and Alexander Guth
  • 2010 Count couple: Susanne and Markus Maier
  • 2009 Count couple: Nicole Eitel and Eckard Bukenberger
  • 2008 Count couple: Elvida and Jochen Schüle
  • 2007 Count couple: Rainer and Margit Thomma
  • 2006 Count couple: Melanie and Matthias Guth
  • 2005 Count couple: Ute and Jochen Schneiderhan
  • 2004 Count couple: Ellen and Steffen Zippel
  • 2003 Count couple: Evelyn and Simon Köninger
  • 2002 Count couple: Margret Grässle and Uwe Eberhardt
  • 2001 Count couple: Ute and Markus Schuler
  • 2000 Count couple: Katrin Singer and Christoph van Riesen
  • 1999 Count couple: Christoph and Ute Waldmann
  • 1998 Count couple: Beatrix and Martin Dörr
  • 1997 Count couple: Elke and Stefan Straub
  • 1996 Count couple: Heidrun and Alexander Thomma
  • 1995 Count couple: Sabine and Thomas Kreidler
  • 1994 Count couple: Carmina Brenner and Peter Renz
  • 1993 Count couple: Waltraud and Hans Kronenbitter
  • 1992 Count couple: Martina and Rainer Hildebrandt
  • 1991 Count couple: the carnival was canceled due to the Gulf War!
  • 1990 Count couple: Sven Döring and Ute Grammer
  • 1989 Count couple: Heike Winter-Saur and Bernd Saur
  • 1988 Count couple: Gerhard Brennenstuhl and Martina Ulmer
  • 1987 Count couple: Sigrid and Wolfgang Weil
  • 1986 Count couple: Gerda and Peter Gayer
  • 1985 Count couple: Lilo and Erwin Wurster
  • 1984 Count couple: Susanne and Gerhard Struck
  • 1983 Count couple: Evelyn Schäfer and Konrad Kreidler
  • 1982 Count couple: Angelika and Manfred Vehlow
  • 1981 Count couple: Ursel and Klaus Kirchner
  • 1980 Count couple: Blandina and Franz Gessler
  • 1979 Count couple: Gerlinde and Manfred Kimmich
  • 1978 Count couple: Helga and Detlev Lowitsch
  • 1977 Count couple: Inge Keck and Klaus Graf
  • 1976 Count couple: Inge and Otto Keck
  • 1975 Count couple: Manfred and Marie-Luise Hermann
  • 1974 Count couple: nn
  • 1973 Count couple: Lydia and Erwin Braitsch
  • 1972 Count couple: Marga and Peter Kramer
  • 1971 Count couple: Lydia and Erwin Braitsch
  • 1970 Count couple: Lydia and Erwin Braitsch
  • 1969 Count couple: Helene and Bernd Pollok
  • 1968 Count couple: Gertrud Jakob and Hubert Marquardt
  • 1967 Count couple: Heidi Maihöfer and Joachim Jaster
  • 1966 Count couple: Gudrun and Ralf Stamer
  • 1965 Count couple: Ursula Woop and Jürgen Thiel
  • 1964 Count couple: Marga Baumann and Peter Kramer
  • 1963 Count couple: Gretel Schlotter and Alfred Epple
  • 1962 Count couple: Marianne Stamer and Alfred Epple
  • 1961 Count couple: Elisabeth Cordier and Siegfried Meinke
  • 1960 Count couple: Doris Geißler and Paul Schneider
  • 1959 Count couple: Hannelore Grehl and Paul Schneider
  • 1958 Count couple: Marianne Stamer and Rolf Reihing
  • 1957 Count couple: Marianne Stamer and Alex von Inama
  • 1956 Count couple: Ella Essig and Erwin Eberhardt
  • 1955 Count couple: Liesel Rauschenberger and Rudolf Schneiderhan
  • 1954 Count couple: Doris Grehl and Peter Braitsch

Overview of the previous presidents and guild masters

  • Guild Masters: Christoph Baiker, Alexander Guth, Gerhard Munding, Traugott Wegenast (all since October 21, 2019)
  • Guild Master: Christoph Baiker (May 2019 to October 2019)
  • Guild Master: Eckhard Bukenberger (2010 to May 2019)
  • Guild Master: Achim Hierath (1992 to May 2010)
  • Guild Master: Peter Kramer (1981 to 1992)
  • Guild Master: Peter Mauz (1974 to 1981) [Honorary Guild Master]
  • President: Manfred "Menne" Ulmer (1955 to 1974)
  • President: Ernst Wetzel (1951 to 1955)
  • President: Otto Epple (1936 to 1941)
  • President: Josef Marquardt (1935 to 1936)
  • President: Otto Epple (1925 to 1935)

The guild master of the Narrenzunft Horb eV is not elected by the general meeting, but by the jester council. The council of fools is elected for three years by the general assembly. On September 20, 2019 the statutes were changed by the general assembly of the Narrenzunft Horb eV. Since then there have been four equal board members with the title of guild master. All four board members are each authorized to represent individually. The new board was unanimously elected at the meeting of the Narrenrat on October 21, 2019. Until September, the board of the fool's guild consisted of the first guild master, the second guild master, the treasurer and the secretary.

Overview of the previous court marshals

  • Daniel Wagner (since November 17, 2018)
  • Thomas Kreidler (until 2018)
  • Peter Kramer
  • Manfred Herrmann

Web links

Official website

Individual evidence

  1. History of the Narrenzunft Horb
  2. ^ Häs / groups of the fools guild Horb