Naumachia Caesaris

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The Naumachia Caesaris was a facility that Gaius Iulius Caesar had built for the organization of naval battles .

The reason for the establishment was Caesar's triumph in 46 BC. BC, in the context of which he organized various games. The plant was located, according to Suetonius in unspecified to be localized minor Codeta , according to Dio Cassius on the Champ de Mars .

According to the Appians report , 4000 rowers and 1000 men fighting ship's crew were deployed in the sea ​​battles . The ships were bi- , tri- and quadriremen , which are said to have been manned by the captive crews of the Tyrian and Egyptian fleets.

The facility was backfilled soon after the games. Suetonius gives the reason that Caesar wanted to build the Temple of Mars on the Field of Mars at the location . In contrast, Cassius Dio mentions a resolution of the Roman Senate from 43 BC. BC, according to which the Naumachia had to be drained to put an end to an epidemic . It is unclear whether this was done for hygienic reasons or as atonement for the omens that were previously ignored, as a result of which the plague first appeared.


  • Lanfranco Cordischi: Note in margine di topografia romana: Codeta, Minor Codeta e Naumachia Caesaris. In: Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma. Volume 100, 1999, pp. 53-62.
  • Anna M. Liberati: Naumachia Caesaris. In: Eva Margareta Steinby (Ed.): Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae . Volume 3. 2nd edition. Quasar, Rome 1996, p. 338.
  • Samuel Ball Platner , Thomas Ashby : A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome . Oxford University Press, London 1929, p. 358 ( online ).
  • Lawrence Richardson Jr .: Naumachia Caesaris. In: A New Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 1992, ISBN 0-80184-300-6 , p. 265.


  1. ^ Suetonius , Iulius Caesar 39.4 ; Cassius Dio 43,23,4 ; Appian , bellum civile 2,102 .
  2. ^ Suetonius, Iulius Caesar 39.4.
  3. Cassius Dio 43,23,4.
  4. Appian, bellum civile 2,102.
  5. ^ Suetonius, Iulius Caesar 39.4.
  6. Suetonius, Iulius Caesar 44.1 .
  7. Cassius Dio 45, 17, 8 .