Lumbar splanchnic nerve

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The Nervi splanchnici lumbales (in the singular: Nervus splanchnicus lumbalis ) are paired, sympathetic nerves of the vegetative nervous system , which originate from the lumbar spinal cord segments (spinal cord segments of the lumbar vertebrae) L1 and L2 and from there usually directly to the ganglion mesentericum inferius or to the Inferior hypogastric plexus . However, the lumbar splanchnic nerves can also pass through the celiac ganglion or the superior mesenteric ganglion without switching there. Numerous fibers of the nerves are already postganglionic when they reach the ganglion / plexus ( lying after a nerve knot ) because they have already been connected in the ganglia lumbalia ; the few preganglionic ones (lying in front of a nerve node) are connected in the inferior hypogastric plexus. The lumbar splanchnic nerves innervate the intestines of the small pelvis , such as the rectum and anal canal .

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