Nesiot League

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The Nesiotenbund (Gr. Τὸ κοινὸν τῶν νησιωτῶν ) was an association of inhabitants of different Greek Aegean islands at the end of the 4th and first half of the 3rd century BC. The probably of Antigonus I. Monophthalmos 315/314 BC. BC (according to some sources probably wrongly founded by Ptolemy I Soter in 308 BC ) had its center in Delos .

After the defeat and capture of Demetrios Poliorketes in 286 BC. The covenant was taken over by Ptolemy I. In terms of content, the federal government was a political alliance. Since the suzerainty of the Ptolemies , a Nesiarch , presumably appointed by the Egyptian king, was at the head of the league , with a council ( synhédrion ) at his side . Three Nesiarches are known by name, Apollodorus (before 286 BC), Bakchon from Boeotia (around 280 BC) and Hermeias of Halicarnassus (around 268 BC). In honor of their patrons Community festivals were celebrated, initially the Antigoneia (Ἀντιγόνεια) and Dēmētrieia (Δημητρίεια) occurring after the beginning of the Ptolemaic rule Soteria Ptolemaia (Σωτήρια Πτολεμαῖα) and Philadelphia (Φιλαδέλφεια) I. in honor of Ptolemy and Ptolemy II. Philadelphus .

At least in theory, all federal member cities were free, but the federal government had far-reaching powers in some cases. In the form of the council, he was allowed to grant citizenship and proxenía in all cities , and all members paid taxes to the king. Since the Second Syrian War (260 to 253 BC) there is no more evidence of the existence of the covenant.

Under the leadership of Rhodes , the covenant was established from 188 to 167 BC. Launched again. The center of the league was now on tenos . In addition to the council ( synhédrion ), there was a governing body ( prostátaí ) that could submit proposals to the council.



  • Christy Constantakopoulou: Identity and resistance. The Islanders' League, the Aegean islands and the Hellenistic kings. In: Mediterranean Historical Review . tape 27 , 2012, p. 49-70 .
  • Werner König: The League of Nesiots; a contribution to the history of the Cyclades and neighboring islands in the age of Hellenism . Wischan & Burkhardt, Halle 1910.
  • Irwin L. Merker: The Ptolemaic Officials and the League of the Islanders . In: Historia . tape 19 , no. 2 , 1970, ISSN  0018-2311 , pp. 141-160 , JSTOR : 4435128 .
  • Gary Reger: The Political History of the Kyklades 260-200 BC In: Historia . tape 43 , no. 1 , 1994, ISSN  0018-2311 , pp. 32-69 , JSTOR : 4436314 .
  • Walther Schwahn: Sympoliteia . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classical antiquity . Volume IV, Half Volume 7, Stoa Symposium, 1931, Sp. 1171-1266 .
  • Kenneth A. Sheedy: The Origins of the Second Nesiotic League and the Defense of Kythnos . In: Historia . tape 45 , no. 4 , 1996, ISSN  0018-2311 , pp. 423-449 , JSTOR : 4436440 .
  • William Woodthorpe Tarn: Nauarch and Nesiarch . In: The Journal of Hellenic Studies . tape 31 , 1911, pp. 251-259 .