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Netrek is a free multiplayer - computer game for up to 16 people, which over the Internet on multiple servers can be played for free. Netrek is a real-time strategy game that requires the player to perform several activities simultaneously. The program required for playing is available for a large number of different operating systems and computer architectures .

platform PC ( Windows , Linux , Mac OS ), etc.
genre Real-time strategy
Game mode Multiplayer

Story of the game

Netrek is a very old game. It is based on the Plato game Empire (1973), which was followed in 1974 by a 3D version called Spasim .

Game description

The goal of the game based on the Star Trek universe is to conquer the galaxy with one of the four races: Federation , Romulans , Klingons or Orion. The galaxy, which consists of 40 planets, can be conquered by occupying all planets of the enemy team by your own armies. In a typical game, 2 factions compete against each other, each starting with 10 planets. The planets of the uninvolved factions only play a subordinate role. Each player takes control of a spaceship , of which there are different types, and tries

  • To protect the armies that automatically grow on the planets occupied by your own team from being destroyed by enemy ships.
  • Transport your armies to an enemy planet without being destroyed by another player (in which case the armies are lost).

If a faction loses all planets, this faction loses the game.

Spaceships - the medium of the player

Each player has free access to five different types of spaceships, which he can choose again after each death. The spaceships of different factions look different, but all have the same properties. The five types of spaceships are:

  • Scout: A Scout is the fastest spaceship in the game and well suited to bomb enemy planets to destroy their armies. However, it can only carry two armies itself and is therefore only suitable for taking over hostile planets in exceptional cases.
  • Destroyer: A fast ship, if not as fast as a Scout, and strong enough to survive most hand-to-hand combat. It can carry five armies, so it is most suitable for conquering planets.
  • Assault Ship: This ship is best suited for the transport of armies, but only sparsely equipped for close combat. While Destroyers manage without an escort when transporting armies, an escort is necessary for the Assault Ship.
  • Cruiser: A cruiser is the standard ship, not very fast, but still fast enough to avoid a large number of torpedoes. It is by far the most frequently used ship - an all-rounder.
  • Battleship: A battleship is more heavily armored than a cruiser, but slower and not as agile. It is poorly suited to defending large areas, but it can very well be used to defend a single point.
  • Starbase: There are certain restrictions on playing a starbase. A starbase is very slow, but also very heavily armed and well armored. A starbase can transport up to 25 armies, but cannot deploy them on a hostile planet.

Spaceships are equipped with torpedoes (based on photon torpedoes ) and phasers . A torpedo requires a set amount of fuel (the cost of fuel, the amount of fuel available and the damage a torpedo does depend on the ships) and does a set amount of damage. Phasers that use more fuel than a torpedo can track a moving target. The damage they do depends on the distance to the target, at close range a phaser shot is much more effective than a torpedo. Every spaceship has a fixed amount of fuel available at the beginning, the fuel regenerates as long as the spaceship does not exceed a certain speed. However, regardless of the amount of fuel available, it is always possible to reach a certain speed (the cruising speed). Apart from that, each spaceship is equipped with a tractor and a pressor beam, which enables the movement of any type of spaceship. Apart from that, every spaceship is also able to activate a cloaking device ; the quality of the camouflage depends on the ship.

Playing in the client

There are four sub-windows in each client, which make the game very complex.

  • In the main window the player sees his own ship and the ships and planets around him; he uses this window to control the spaceship, engage in close combat with enemy spaceships, and bombard enemy planets to destroy their armies.
  • In the status window , the player sees the status of his own ship (shield strength, thickness of the hull, current speed, maximum still available speed (depending on the damage of the ship), number of loaded armies, number of enemy ships already destroyed, temperature of the engine and weapons ). He also sees a list of all other players and their skill levels.
  • In the galactic window the player sees a map of the galaxy, where all planets and their affiliations and all players and their position are shown. This window is required to follow the overall situation of your own and that of another empire.
  • The chat window shows all communication within your own faction and all public communication with all players. The procedure is discussed within the own team and the players give each other tips on special events. English is spoken by default.

Netrek player

Although it makes no sense to speak of the typical "Netrek player" just as it makes no sense to speak of the typical "chess player", typical features can be determined:


Information is one of the most important resources in the game, which is why good teams constantly exchange information through chat. To save time, special abbreviations have been devised for this:

  • to ogg : This term can be understood as a call to a kamikaze flight on an enemy spaceship or a starbase. The aim is to inflict the greatest possible damage on the enemy, including by exploding your own ship.
  • twink : This ( curse ) word is used to highlight a player's inability or lack of knowledge.
  • clue : Competent, experienced player. Opposite of twink
  • x is free beer : The spaceship of the (opposing) player x is badly damaged and can be easily destroyed. This phrase is mainly used in internal team chat.
  • x ++ : The player x has loaded armies.
  • doosh : An enemy spaceship that had armies loaded was destroyed.

Beyond the game

The Ogg file format got its name from the Netrek term "to ogg" (see above).

Web links