Network of Graphic Collections NRW

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Network of Graphic Collections NRW
August Macke, Pierrot and Dancer, 1912, black chalk, 22.6 × 28.5 cm; Bielefeld art gallery
Pieter Holsteijn, dromedary, brush drawing and watercolors, 15.3 × 17.7 cm; Photo: Weser Renaissance Museum, Brake Castle, Lemgo

In 2011, museums and collections from North Rhine-Westphalia with important holdings of art on paper joined forces in the network of graphic collections NRW . The aim of this network is to increase public interest in all forms of art on paper. This art genre includes drawings , pastels and watercolors as well as woodcuts , copper engravings , etchings , stone and screen prints , photographs , but also experimental and installation forms of dealing with the material paper. A decisive factor for the presence and awareness of these sensitive works is the fact that they require special protection from the damaging effects of light, temperature and moisture. This is why they may only be exhibited for a short time and under special conservation conditions such as greatly reduced lighting.

The network of graphic collections in North Rhine-Westphalia draws attention to the art-historical and cultural-historical importance of these works of art through events and publications and thus promotes greater appreciation of the individual works as well as the work of graphic collections.


The heads of graphic collections in Germany, Austria and Switzerland decided at their annual meeting in 2005 to proclaim 2009 the year of graphics. A joint concretization of this project took place primarily in North Rhine-Westphalia, where 55 museums and collections joined forces for this purpose.

Joint activities for the Year of Graphics in North Rhine-Westphalia were the publication of the extensive volume "Graphic Collections in North Rhine-Westphalia - A Guide to Hidden Treasures", an Internet presentation of graphic collections, joint advertising of the activities in the individual houses and the weekend of the Graphics. The program was funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

The success of the Year of Graphics in North Rhine-Westphalia led to an initiative to preserve and expand what had been achieved in the long term: In 2011, the Network of Graphical Collections North Rhine-Westphalia was founded.


As a permanent platform, the Network Graphic Collections NRW operates a website on which the participating collections are presented in text and images. There the visitor will find brief information on the history and profile of the respective graphic collection, general visitor information and works of art characteristic of the collection. In addition, current exhibitions and events are constantly presented. In 2012 this website was also opened for graphic collections throughout Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Every year the events for the international weekend of graphics are specially promoted.

Web links