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Neudorf-Neubrow , also Neudorf-Neubruch am Bug (Polish "Nejdorf i Nejbrow") was a place on the Bug River .

In 1617 Protestants from Germany and the Netherlands, so-called Olędrzy (see Hauländer , also Dutch ) by Rafał Leszczyński were settled there. The area belonged to the Brześć Litewski Voivodeship in the aristocratic republic of Poland-Lithuania .

A Lutheran congregation existed from 1617 and in the 18th century the place became the center of the parish Neudorf-Neubrow as one of the first in the Lithuanian part of the aristocratic republic. In the first half of the 18th century, the Polish language replaced the German language in the church in Neudorf. During the Third Partition of Poland in 1795 it was annexed to Russia and the Bug became the new state border. From 1832 Neudorf belonged to the Courland consistorial district and was assigned to the provost of Wilna there . Administratively it belonged to the Grodno governorate .

After the end of the First World War , Neudorf-Neubrow came to Poland , the Polesian Voivodeship , Powiat Brześć, Domaczewo municipality . In 1929, after the visit of President Ignacy Mościcki, the village names Neydorf was changed to Mościce Dolne and Neybruch to Mościce Górne. In 1938 the Protestant parish in Mościce in the Diocese of Lublin of the Evangelical Augsburg Church of Poland had branches upstream in the south on the right bank in Zamostecz, (H) Olendry Zabuskie and (H) Olendry Świerzewskie.

In 1940, most of the local Protestants, who were of German origin, left the place when they were resettled to Wartheland as part of the Hitler-Stalin Pact . The "Dutch" settlements on the Soviet side of the bug were destroyed. Mościce Dolne, a part of the village that was located on the left bank after changing the course of the bow, is now on the Polish side of the border and belongs to Gmina Sławatycze .

Remnants of a Lutheran cemetery have been preserved.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Nikolaj Pachkaev: The Lutheran community of Neudorf. 2005, accessed March 24, 2018 .
  2. ^ Parish of Neudorf-Neubruch am Bug
  3. ^ Evangelical Lutheran congregations in Russian Poland from 1617 to 1918
  4. History of the Sławatycze Municipality (Polish)
  5. Wykaz parafii i ks. pastorów Warszawskiego Konsystorza ewangelicko-augsburskiego . In: Przyjaciel Domu . 1938, p. 121 (Polish, online ).
  6. Ivan Prokopjuk: Neudorf-Neubrow of today. May 2008, accessed March 24, 2018 .

Coordinates: 51 ° 46 ′ 18 ″  N , 23 ° 37 ′ 24 ″  E