Vladimir Grigoryevich Galperin

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Vladimir Grigoryevich Galperin (Zhukovsky, 1951)

Vladimir Grigorievich Galperin ( Russian Владимир Григорьевич Гальперин * December 30, 1912 . Jul / 12. January  1913 greg. In Tver , † 13 December 1993 in Moscow ) was a Russian physicist .


Galperin's father was the doctor Grigori Pavlovich Galperin (1874–1942). The mother Rosa Issidorovna née Fondaminskaja (1874-1954) was the daughter of the 1st guild merchant Issidor Fundaminski and sister of the revolutionary Ilya Issidorowitsch Fondaminski .

Galperin graduated from the Mechanical and Mathematical Faculty of Moscow University in 1937 with honors. During his studies, he worked at the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (ZAGI), first in Moscow and then in Stachanowo (since 1947 Schukowski ), the new location of the ZAGI since 1935. He published his first work on aerodynamics in the mid-1930s. 1937–1943 he planned and built the high-speed wind tunnel T-106 at ZAGI . This work formed the basis for his candidate dissertation in technical sciences, which he defended in 1944. 1943–1945 he investigated together with Sergei Alexejewitsch Christianowitsch , Iwan Pawlowitsch Gorski and Alexei Petrowitsch Kowaljow the flow conditions on wings at high speeds. The fundamental principles that determine the behavior of the wing at supercritical speeds were derived from the results. In 1945 he led the construction of a new wind tunnel for the investigation of the wing behavior at the speed of sound . In 1946 the steady transition to supersonic speed was realized for the first time in this wind tunnel . With Christianowitsch and others, he analyzed the observed regularities. In 1947 the monograph on applied gas dynamics by Christianowitsch, Galperin, Michail Dmitrijewitsch Millionschtschikow and LA Simonow was published in two parts. Between 1948 and 1950, three new supersonic wind tunnels were built under Galperin's direction.

In 1951 Galperin was released from the ZAGI as a result of the struggle against cosmopolitanism and then from the experimental design office OKB-670. After Stalin's death, Galperin became chief designer at NPP Zvezda . From 1955 he headed the research department and developed, among other things, ejection seats that were installed in all new Soviet aircraft from 1969 onwards. 1959–1961 he led the calculations and tests for the ejection seat of the spaceship Wolstok and participated in the preparation of the Gagarin flight. He led the development of a system for simulating space flights for the cosmonaut Leonov and was involved in the development and testing of the safety systems for the landing of the Soyuz spacecraft . He developed a wide range of test systems, especially for spacesuits .

Honors, prizes

Individual evidence

  1. Космический мемориал: Гальперин Владимир Григорьевич (accessed March 24, 2018).
  2. Христианович С. А., Гальперин В. Г., Горский Н. П., Ковалев А. П .: Исследование аэродинамических характеристик крыловых профилей при больших скоростях скоростях скоростях скоростях скоростяких . Изд-во БНТ НКАП, Moscow 1945.
  3. ЦАГИ - основные этапы научной деятельности. 1918–1968 гг . Moscow 1976, p. 344 .
  4. « М. Д. Миллионщиков »50 лет Центрального Аэрогидродинамического Института имени Н. Е. Жуковского . In: Вестник АН СССР . No. 11 , 1968, p. 38-39 .
  5. Физические основы околозвуковой аэродинамики . 1948.
  6. Христианович С. А., Гальперин В. Г., Миллионщиков М. Д., Симонов Л. А .: Прикладная газовая динамика . ЦАГИ, Moscow 1948.
  7. Арутюнян А. Г., Афанасенко Н. И., Гальперин В. Г., Северин Г. И., Соболев П. П., Федоров В. И .: Система покидания летательного аппарата членом экипажа . In: АС . No. 653859 , November 28, 1978.