Neuland publishing house

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The new ground-Verlag in Geesthacht and its Versandbuchhandlung sold 1,896 to 2,011 books, magazines and other media on the subject of addiction and the trade magazine for Child and Youth Media " Bulletin youth & literature ".

The publishing house was founded in 1889 by the Guttempler for the publication of writings of the abstinence movement and was based in Flensburg , Berlin and Hamburg . From 1991 to 2011 he was in Geesthacht . Important publications were the bimonthly magazine " Sucht - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis " (formerly " Suchtgefahren ", from 1954 to 2010 by Neuland, now published by Verlag Hans Huber , Bern) and the " Jahrbuch Sucht " (1905 to 2011, today at Pabst Science Publisher ). In 2010 the publisher launched the magazine " Rausch - The Independent Magazine for Addiction Issues ". From 2001 to 2011 he also ran the magazine " Bulletin Jugend & Literatur " in the program.

The book program at times comprised around 60 titles.

In 2011 the publisher filed for bankruptcy.