Emil Hadina

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Emil Hadina (born November 15, 1885 in Vienna ; † August 4, 1957 in Ingolstadt ) was an Austrian-Sudeten German writer and teacher .


Emil Hadina moved in 1897 with his parents in their home, in the then inhabited almost exclusively by Germans city Opava (Czech Opava) in the Austrian crown land Silesia ( Austrian Silesia ), where he in 1904 graduated . There he also became a member of the pennal association “Alemannia Troppau”. He then studied at the Universities of Graz and Berlin and earned the Dr. phil.

Hadina first worked as a high school teacher in Bielitz ( Austrian Silesia ), Iglau ( Moravia ) and finally in Opava. There he was promoted to director and worked a. a. also as editor of the Deutsche Post .

He had already begun to write in the Romantic style before the First World War . His impressionistic and neo-romantic poems are linked to Austrian literature. Longing for beauty and silence in his atmospheric and musically floating poetry , as well as in his prose , summery moods and love of women fill many volumes of poetry and novels .

In his poems, Sturm und Stille (1916), celebrating World War I , he not only praised the watch on the Rhine , but also the watch on the Danube . The opponents of the emperor and fatherland, the brave people of the Serbs, are struck by lightning from the Lord. Destroyed with wife and child / So God judged them! / With man and horse and chariot / So God smashed them!

After the Second World War he was expelled from his home country as a Sudeten German and came back to Vienna in 1946, where he continued to work as a writer and employee of newspapers and magazines until his death .


  • Franz Ferdinand , 1915. In: KK Staats-Realgymnasium in the 17th district of Vienna: 41st annual report published at the end of the school year 1914-1915 digitized version
  • Storm and silence . War seals , 1916
  • Children of Longing , short stories, 1917
  • Nights and Stars , Seals, 1917
  • Home and soul. New seals , 1918
  • Seeking Women, A Book of Women and Homesickness , 1919,
  • Love tales , 1919 (together with Otto Hödel and Karl Bienenstein)
  • Of the German way and soul, Ein Trostbüchlein , 1920
  • The Other Realm, Novellas and Dreams , 1920
  • Celebration of Life, New Seals , 1921
  • Demons Of The Deep, A Gottfried Bürger Novel , 1922
  • The gray city - the bright women, a Theodor Storm novel , 1922
  • Greater Bohemia, A home book for German Bohemia, North Moravia and Southeast Silesia , 1923
  • Advent, novel of an expectation , 1924
  • Maria and Myrrha, Story of Two Women and One Love , 1924
  • Heaven, Earth and Women, A Sonnet Wreath of Secular Devotion , 1926
  • Battle with the Shadows, a Theodor Storm novel , 1926
  • Götterliebling, A Hauff Novelle , 1927
  • The seer , 1928
  • Secret about Eva, Ein Frauenreigen , 1929
  • Madame Lucifer, novel by a romantic - Caroline Schlegel , 1929
  • Friederike tells, A diary from Sesenheim , 1931
  • Caroline, the Lady Lucifer , 1952

Editorial activity

  • Johann Ludwig Deinhardstein. Selected Works I. (Garrick in Bristol. The Patronages). (in the series: German-Austrian Classics Library. Vol. 38)


  • Emil Hadina . In: Felix Czeike : Historisches Lexikon Wien. Volume 3: Ha-La. Kremayr & Scheriau, Vienna 1994, ISBN 3-218-00545-0 , pp. 17-18.
  • Zdeněk Mareček: Emil Hadina (1885-1957). On literary life in the provinces . Dissertation, Brno 2006 ( full text )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "With cap, ribbon and feather", Aula-Verlag, p. 115