Neustädter Tor (Tangermünde)

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Neustädter Tor (2016)
Neustädter Tor, drawing by Friedrich Eduard Meyerheim

The Neustädter Tor , also known as the Stendaler Tor , in Tangermünde , a town in the southeast of the Stendal district in northern Saxony-Anhalt , is a characteristic and unmistakable building of the North German brick Gothic .


The rectangular tower was built around 1300. The round tower and the central building were built around 1450 and flank a pointed arched passage building. The round tower is provided with a cantilevered battlement . The richer design of the round tower, the central building and the top on the rectangular building corresponds to the construction time around 1450 and was probably mediated by Stephan Buxtehude, to whom the Uenglinger Tor in Stendal and the Elbtor in Werben go back. The round tower is decorated with glazed tiles in a spiral or zigzag arrangement, with a molded stone frieze with a representation of the Medusa head and various decorations.

The plaster panels above the gate passage have coats of arms painted on them in 1897:


  • Georg Dehio : Handbook of the German art monuments. Saxony Anhalt I. District of Magdeburg. Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich / Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-422-03069-7 , p. 930.

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Commons : Neustädter Tor (Tangermünde)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 52 ° 32 '23.5 "  N , 11 ° 58' 5.7"  E