New Enhanced AT

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Disambig-dark.svg This article describes the NEAT chipset. Further meanings of NEAT are listed under NEAT (disambiguation) .
A mainboard with NEAT chipset for the Intel 80286

The NEAT chipset ( N ew E nhanced AT ) was established in August 1987 by Chips & Technologies announced and was from the end of 1987 for the first 80286 , and later the 80386SX available. The previously common mainboard configuration using jumpers has largely been replaced by software configuration via the BIOS . With this chipset it was possible on the i80286 to use up to 8 megabytes of EMS memory on this processor without an EMS card. In addition to the high memory throughput thanks to bank interleaving, the chipset was characterized by a previously unknown UMB memory management, which, in contrast to the MMU of the 80386 (and especially the 386SX variant), did not slow down the processor.