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Angas (ngas)

Spoken in

Nigeria ( plateau )
speaker 400,000

Afro-Asian languages

Language codes
ISO 639-3


The Ngas (or Angas , kerang and karang ) is a Chadian language spoken by the Anga people in Nigeria , specifically in the state of Plateau .

It is a tonal language and belongs to the family of Afro-Asian languages .

In 1998 the number of speakers was approximately 400,000. The dialects of the language are Hill Angas and Plain Angas.


Vowel phonemes: / iː / / ɪ / / ɛ / / ɨː / / a / / aː / / u / / uː / / j / / w / / ɜi / / e / / o /

Consonants: / p / / b / / ɓ / / t / / d / / ɗ / / c / / dj / / ʄ / / k / / ɡ / / tʃ / / dʒ / / f / / v / / s / / z / / ʃ / / ʒ / / ɣ / / m / / n / / ɲ / / ŋ / / l / / r / / h / / pʲ / / bʲ / / mʲ /.


  • Herrmann Jungraithmayr & Miroslava Holubová, The Ngas Language (Shik Ngas). Fundamentals of Grammar, Texts, Dictionary (Language and Orality in Africa 28), Berlin: Reimer, 2016
  • Donald A. Burquest, A Preliminary Study of Angas Phonology , Institute of Linguistics, Zaria, 1971
  • Donald A. Burquest, A Grammar of Angas , University of California at Los Angeles, 1973 (thèse)
  • Beverle Michaele Lax, The West-A-branch of the Chadic language family: a comparative study of Hausa, Sha, Angas, Karekare, and Dera , Michigan State University, 1986, 132 S. (MA)
  • Gábor Takács, Comparative dictionary of the Angas-Sura languages , Reimer, Berlin, 2004, 443 pp. ISBN 3-496-02772-X

Individual evidence

  1. Raymond G. Gordon, Jr, ed. 2005. Ethnologue: Languages ​​of the World . 15th edition. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics.
  2. Angas