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Nianchnebka (also Ni-anch-neb-ka ) was an ancient Egyptian civil servant in the 6th Dynasty .

To person

Nianchnebka is possibly one of two known priests who performed the funeral service for King Nebka from the 3rd dynasty . This assumption arises from his name, which was probably formed with the name of the king. When Nianch-Nebka died, the cult of the dead around the ruler was extinguished , which may indicate that King Nebka himself only ruled for a very short time.

Little is known about Nianchnebka's origin , family or circumstances, although numerous artifacts and reliefs with inscriptions were found in his grave . In addition, remnants of wall reliefs were found on which the name of the king is mentioned.

The grave

His mastaba is in West Saqqara , near the Unas pyramid and the tomb of Irukaptah . It is badly damaged but fully explored. The mastaba of the Nianchba is located nearby .

See also


  • Günter Lapp: Typology of coffins and coffin chambers from the 6th to 13th dynasty ; Orient-Verlag Heidelberg 1993; Page 2 & 17; ISBN 3927552097
  • IES Edwards : Pyramid studies and other essays ; 1988; Page 20ff

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Günter Lapp: Typology of coffins and coffin chambers from the 6th to 13th dynasty ; Orient-Verlag Heidelberg 1993; Page 2 & 17; ISBN 3927552097 .
  2. Francesco Raffaele: Sanakht / Nebka
  3. ^ IES Edwards: Pyramid studies and other essays ; 1988; Page 20ff.
  4. Firth & Quibell: The Step Pyramid ; Le Caire 1935; Page 125
  5. Nabil Swelim: The Dry moat of the Netjerikhet complex ; 1988; Page 15ff.