Nicanor Rusu

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Nicanor Rusu (born July 22, 1910 in Chetrosu , † September 26, 1990 in Chișinău ) was a Russian- Romanian - Moldovan Romanist and Italianist.

life and work

Rusu studied Italian at the University of Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iași , graduated in 1937 and became an assistant to Iorgu Iordan . He received a scholarship at the Scuola Romena di Roma, founded in 1922, and received his doctorate there in 1941 with the thesis Limba operei lui Giovanni Verga . Returning to Romania, he got caught up in the entanglement of the Russian occupation, spent the period from November 1944 to 1948 in Soviet Russian camps and was then a teacher in Moldova . In 1955 he went to Chișinău and held modest offices in educational institutes. His doctorate was not recognized until 1962, and he was able to teach Italian studies as a professor at the University of Chișinău from 1965 to 1980.


  • Profesorul Nicanor Rusu. Studii. Articole. Traduceri , ed. by Andrei Crijanovschi, Chişinău 2011

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Nina Neculce, Gavril Istrati: "Eu am iubit Basarabia din copilăria mea" (Interview in the Jurnal de Chișinău, February 1999, Romanian, accessed August 10, 2014)