Iorgu Iordan

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Dictionary of the Romanian Language (DOOM) of the Iorgu Iordan Language Institute - Alexandru Rosetti

Iorgu Iordan (born September 29th July / October 11th  1888 greg. In Tecuci ; † September 20, 1986 in Bucharest ) was a Romanian Romance scholar, Romanist and linguist.

life and work

Iordan studied in Iași and Berlin before the World War, and in Bonn, Paris, Florence and Rome after the war. He received his doctorate in 1919 with Alexandru Philippide (1859-1933) on Diftongarea lui e și o accentuaţi în pozițiile ă, e (Iași 1920) and was a high school teacher in Iași and Galați . From 1926 to 1946 he was professor at the University of Iași , from 1946 to 1962 full professor of Romance philology (from 1957 to 1958 also rector) of the University of Bucharest . He was politically active and was the Romanian ambassador to Moscow from 1945 to 1947. Iordan published the magazines Revue de linguistique (1956–1963) and Limba română (1964–1986).

The Institute for Linguistics of the Romanian Academy in Bucharest, of which he was a full member since 1945 and of which he was Vice President from 1957 to 1966, bears his name and that of Alexandru Rosetti (1895–1990). Iordan was an honorary doctor of the Humboldt University in Berlin , as well as the universities of Montpellier, Ghent and Rome. Since 1958 he was a corresponding member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences and since 1968 of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences . He also belonged to several European academies.

Other works

History of Romance Linguistics

  • Introducere în studiul limbilor romanice. Evoluția și starea actuală a lingvisticii romanice , Iași 1932
  • An introduction to romance linguistics. Its schools and scholars . Revised, translated and in parts recast by John Orr , London 1937, Westport, Conn. 1970
  • Introduction to the history and methods of Romance linguistics . Translated into German, supplemented and partially revised by Werner Bahner , Berlin 1962
  • An introduction to Romance linguistics . Translated, in parts augmented and revised by John Orr . With a supplement 'Thirty years on' by Rebecca Posner , Oxford 1970
  • Introduzione alla linguistica romanza . Con una nota di D'Arco Silvio Avalle, Turin 1973

Further Romanesque works

  • Romanian toponomics , 2 parts, Bonn 1924, 1926
  • Gramatica limbii române , Bucharest 1937, 1946, 2005
  • Limba româna actuala . O gramatica e Greselilor, Iaşi 1943, Bucharest 1947
  • Stilistica limbii române , Bucharest 1944, 1975
  • Nume de locuri româneşti în Republica Popularâ Românā , Bucharest 1952
  • Limba romînă contemporană , Bucharest 1956
  • (Ed. With Émil Petrovici and Alexandru Rosetti) Mélanges linguistiques, publiés à l'occasion du 8e Congrès international des linguistes à Oslo, du 5 au 9 août 1957, par l'Académie de la République populaire roumaine , Bucharest 1957
  • Lingvistica romanică. Evolution. Curente. Metode , Bucharest 1962; Spanish: Lingüística románica. Evolución-corrientes-métodos. Reelaboración parcial y notas de Manuel Alvar, Madrid 1967
  • (Ed.) Crestomatie romanica , Bucharest 1962, 1965, 1968
  • Istoria limbii spaniole , Bucharest 1963
  • Toponimia romîneasca , Bucharest 1963
  • Lexicul limbii romîne , Bucharest 1964
  • (Ed.) Dicționarul limbii române. Series nouă, MZ , Bucharest 1965–2005
  • (with Maria Manoliu and Maria Manoliu Manea) Introducere în linguistica romanica , Bucharest 1965. Grammatica comparata a limbilor romanice , Bucharest 1971; Spanish: Manual de lingüística románica. Revisión, reelaboración parcial y notas por Manuel Alvar, 2 vols., Madrid 1972, 1980, 1989; Portuguese: Introdução à linguistica românica, Lisbon 1973; Italian: Linguistica romanza, Padua 1974
  • (with Valeria Guțu Romalo and Alexandru Niculescu) Structura morfologică a limbii române contemporane , Bucharest 1967
  • Scrieri alese , Bucharest 1968
  • Alexandru I. Philippide , Bucharest 1969
  • (Ed.) Istoria stiintelor in România. Linguistica , Bucharest 1975
  • Limba literară. Studii și articole , Craiova 1977
  • (with Vladimir Robu) Limba română contemporană , Bucharest 1978
  • Dicționar al numelor de familie româneşti , Bucharest 1983
  • Istoria limbii române , Bucharest 1983


  • Omagiu lui Iorgu Iordan: cu prilejul împlinirii a 70 de ani, Bucharest 1958
  • Iorgu Iordan, Titluri și lucrări 1911 - 1973, Bucharest 1974
  • Iorgu Iordan, Memorii, 3 volumes, Bucharest 1976, 1977, 1979
  • Hommage à Iorgu Iordan à l'occasion de son quatre-vingt-dixième anniversaire, Bucharest 1978
  • Valeriu Mangu, De vorbă cu Iorgu Iordan [In conversation with Iorgu Iordan], Bucharest 1982
  • Maria Iliescu in: Journal for Romance Philology 103, 1987, pp. 695–697
  • Wolf-Dieter Stempel in: Yearbook of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences 1988, Munich 1989, pp. 208–211

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