Nicolás Monardes

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Nicolas Monardes at the age of 57

Nicolás Bautista Monardes (* 1493 in Seville ; † October 10, 1588 ) was a Spanish doctor and botanist .

Live and act

After studying at the University of Alcalá de Henares , he obtained his doctorate in 1533. He practices medicine in Seville and devotes much of his time to trade, especially the slave trade.

Monardes published a number of books of varying importance: In Diálogo llamado pharmacodilosis (1536) he examines humanism and suggests studying some classic authors, mainly Pedanios Dioscurides . He discusses the value of Greek and Arabic medicine in De Secanda Vena in the pleuriti Zwischengrecos and Arabes Concordia (1539). De Rosa und partibus eius (1540) deals with roses and citrus fruits. The most important and well-known work of Monardes was Historia medicinal de las cosas que se traen de nuestras Indias Occidentales , published in three parts (1565, 1571 and completed in 1574).

He benefited from his position as a merchant and from his medical knowledge to carry out a contract under which he introduced the unknown plants that came from the New World. He contributed to the spread of pineapples , peanuts , corn and coca and published the first illustration of tobacco . His work was translated into Latin by Charles de l'Écluse .

Honor taxon

Carl von Linné named the genus Monarda of the mint family of plants (Lamiaceae) in his honor .

Web links

Commons : Nicolás Monardes  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carl von Linné: Critica Botanica . Leiden 1737, p. 93
  2. Carl von Linné: Genera Plantarum . Leiden 1742, p. 15