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The Nicolieren is a method for processing of fruit trees .

It was developed in 1951 by tree nursery specialist Peter Nicolin from Frauweiler and is intended to enable the inoculation of pear varieties that are incompatible with quince rootstocks. It was patented in Germany from September 16, 1952 . However, since a license fee was never charged, numerous nurseries introduced this method.

With Nicolier, when the noble rice is grafted on, a quince-compatible intermediate refinement reduced to a thickness of one millimeter is introduced between the base and the eye. This avoids the incompatibility of the noble variety with the substrate.

Noble varieties that can be sensibly nicolored are Alexander Lucas , Clapps Liebling , Countess of Paris, Gute Luise , Josephine von Mechelen , Delicious from Charneux , Williams Christ .

The varieties Gellert's butter pear , Neue Poiteau, Nordhäuser winter trout and pastor pear serve as intermediate refinements.

Individual evidence

  1. German Patent No. 923819 , retrieved from the German Patent and Trademark Office on October 2, 2019.