Lower Saxony Economic Forum for Agriculture - Crafts - Industry

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Lower Saxony Economic Forum for Agriculture - Crafts - Industry eV

legal form registered association
founding December 1, 1954
Seat Hanover
management NMarketing eG, represented by Christian Schmidt, member of the board with sole power of representation
Branch Agriculture and food industry, services
Website www.nifa-niedersachsen.de

The Lower Saxony Economic Forum Agriculture - Crafts - Industry eV (nifa) is an association that strives to understand the economic areas of agriculture, craft and industry for common concerns and takes measures to pursue these concerns. Companies, corporations, associations and service providers as well as individuals from the agricultural, craft and industrial sectors are involved.


The basic idea behind the creation of a discussion forum for agriculture , trade and industry goes back to the economic situation characterized by inflation and mass unemployment at the end of the 1920s, when entrepreneurs, primarily from the steel and iron industry, and representatives of agriculture formed a “liaison office for agriculture / Industry ”in Essen. An important goal was to promote the mechanization of agriculture, which was necessary anyway after the First World War , and thus to open up new sales opportunities for the (armaments) industry, especially in the large companies in East Germany. At the same time, mutual trust and understanding should be encouraged. National Socialism and World War II interrupted this cooperation.

In the years of reconstruction after 1945, a group of entrepreneurs from the commercial economy and farmers in Hanover recognized that a lack of information about the other economic sector in particular led to misconceptions and prejudices. The Hanover Chamber of Commerce and Industry established connections with the Lower Saxony industry and the Lower Saxony rural population, the state farmers' association. This was the cornerstone for the establishment of the "Liaison Office for Agriculture - Commercial Economy Hannover eV" on December 1, 1954. Two years earlier, in 1952, the liaison office in Essen had been re-established and the exchange of knowledge resumed.

The basic idea of ​​the liaison offices, mutual information and education, is no longer the focus of work today. Rather, a modern economic policy interpretation sees agriculture and the commercial economy “in the same boat”, especially when it comes to today's conditions for economic activity. The relationships between the entrepreneur and other social groups, the representation of interests and the discussion of socially relevant topics, such as climate protection and energy saving , are increasingly becoming the focus of joint work .

The reorientation of the work was decided by the general meeting in 2007. On February 27, 2008, the name was changed to 'Lower Saxony Economic Forum for Agriculture - Crafts and Industry eV (nifa)'.

Tasks and topics

The Lower Saxony Economic Forum organizes specialist forums to promote the transfer of information and knowledge as well as the discussion of suitable topics between the representatives of various industries. In addition, the nifa organizes scientific, political and social events in order to enable contacts between the economic sectors of agriculture, trade and industry and thereby enable the formation of networks and other activities.

The nifa deals with topics that affect the future development of the economy and the actions of the actors in the value-added chains. This includes e.g. B. Topics like:

  • Perspectives on climate protection and climate change , effects of instabilities in the financial and raw material markets on agriculture, trade, industry.
  • Implementation of technical and technological innovations, opportunities and risks of green genetic engineering , new drugs from plants, animals as tissue and organ donors for people.
  • Effects of changed agricultural policy framework conditions, deregulation and reduction of bureaucracy, corporate social responsibility .

Club structure

The Lower Saxony Economic Forum for Agriculture - Crafts - Industry (nifa) is a registered association based in Hanover. The organs of the association are the general assembly, advisory board and board of directors.

Members are natural and legal persons, corporations, associations, clubs, companies and individual members from the fields of agriculture, craft, industry and services.

The board of directors and the advisory board are each elected for four years by the general assembly. The chairman of the board is Hannes Rehm (2013).

The management of the association lies with NMarketing eG Hannover, represented by the board member Christian Schmidt, who is authorized to represent alone.

Web links