Niger (disambiguation)

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Niger denotes:

Niger is the suffix for several Roman generals or soldier emperors as well as their opposing emperors :

Niger is a family name for the following people:

  • Radulfus Niger (before 1146– around 1200), English theologian and lawyer
  • Franciscus Niger (1452– after 1523), Italian grammarian, poet and music theorist
  • Antonius Niger (1500–1555), humanist, natural scientist and physician
  • Herman Niger (around 1550–?), Lawyer, university professor and chancellor
  • Petrus Niger (* 1434), German Dominican
  • Roger Niger , Bishop of London
  • Samuel Niger (1883–1955) (also Schmuel or Shmuel Niger ; pseudonym for Samuel Tscharny ; 1883–1955), Yiddish writer, critic and publicist
  • Wilwardo Jones Níger , Equatorial Guinean politician, first local mayor of Malabo (1960–1961)

See also:

Wiktionary: Niger  - Explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations