Japan Sport Council

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The Nihon sports shinkō center ( Japanese 日本 ス ポ ー ツ 振興 セ ン タ ー , about "Japanese Sports Promotion Center", English today Japan Sport Council , formerly translated as National Agency for the Advancement of Sports and Health , NAASH) is a Japanese independent administrative body ( dokuritsu gyōsei hōjin , eng. Incorporated Administrative Agency and the like) based in the district of Minato of Tokyo . Under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture and Science of the Japanese National Government, it organizes sports funding, sports facilities, sports research and sports betting (Toto).

The operations include the old and new national stadiums [Kasumigaoka], the national Yoyogi sports hall and the Prince Chichibu rugby stadium in Tokyo .

The center was established in its current form in 2003 on the basis of a separate law from the previous year ( 独立 行政 法人 日本 ス ポ ー ツ 振興 セ ン タ ー 法 ). A main precursor was the Nihon taiiku, gakkō kenkō center ( 日本 体育 ・ 学校 健康 セ ン タ ー , about "Japanese Center for Sport and Health in Schools").

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