Nicholas Milies

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Nikolaus Milies (documented also Clawys Mylres or Clawus Mylges ) was next to Arnd Stuke the most important captain of the "first generation" of the Vitalienbrüder .

Arnd Stuke and Nikolaus Milies in particular are considered to be the leaders of the pirates until 1395. According to a document from 1392, Milies came from the Ratzeburg monastery . Together with Stuke, he was instrumental in the arrest of Bishop Thord Gunnarsson von Strängnäs , which occurred in the same year on the way to the negotiations in Vordingborg . On December 6, 1393, he was named as one of the vitalienbroders .

See also


Individual evidence

  1. a b Contributions to the history of the vitality brothers. In: Yearbooks of the Association for Mecklenburg History and Archeology (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania State Library). 1908, accessed December 15, 2016 .