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Ningirsu ( Lord of Girsu ) is a Sumerian deity. He was considered the city god of the city of Girsu and chief god of the state of Lagasch . Sometimes he was equated with the god Ninurta .

Ningirsu was the son of the god Enlil , in the city of Lagaš the main god An was considered his father. He was the husband of the goddess Baba and brother among others of the gods Nanna , Nanše and Nisaba . On the one hand he was a god of hunting and war , but on the other hand a god of fertility responsible for agriculture . His symbol was the lion-headed eagle Imdugud .


Web links

Commons : Ningirsu  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gwendolyn Leick: A Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology. P. 130
  2. Nanše is actually not Ningirsu's sister, as she is descended from Enki. However, Gudea explicitly calls it that.