Nisimos plateau

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View from Mikri Koprana to the Nisimos plateau

The Nisimos or Nissimos plateau ( Greek Οροπέδιο Νήσιμου Oropedio Nisimou ) is an approximately 0.6 km² plateau on the island of Crete . It is located about 1.5 km northwest of Tzermiado and can be reached from there via a 2 km long pass road. It lies at an altitude of about 930 m, i.e. about 100 m above the Lasithi plateau .

The uninhabited plateau is surrounded by the Selena Mountains to the west, north and east . In the northeast is the 1559 m high Selena peak. To the west are the Megali Koprana , Mikri Koprana and Karfi mountains . In the southeast above Tzermiado is the 1017 m high Stavros with the church Timaios Stavros. The border between the regional districts of Lasithi and Heraklion runs along the northern and western borders of the plateau , while the Nisimos plateau still belongs to the regional district of Lasithi.

Chapel of Saint Ariadne

In the West, the plane is the only chapel of Greece , which the Holy Ariadne is dedicated.


The Nisimos plateau is sometimes also called the Onisimos plateau ( Greek Οροπέδιο Ονήσιμος ). This name can be translated as useful plateau or productive plateau . However, it could also be that there was a chapel for Saint Onesimus ( Greek Ονήσιμος ) and the plateau was named after him.

Web links

Commons : Nisimos Plateau  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files

Individual evidence


Coordinates: 35 ° 12 ′ 53 ″  N , 25 ° 28 ′ 52 ″  E