Norges Skaal

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Norges Skaal (German about: Norwegens Prost ), better known in Norway with his first verse "For Norge, Kiempers Fødeland" ( For Norway, the fighter fatherland ) is a Norwegian drinking song, written by the secretary of Bishop Johan Ernst Gunnerus and later Bishop Johan Nordahl Brun (1745-1816). He wrote it in the winter of 1771/1772, was enthusiastically received by the Norwegian students in Copenhagen, but was sharply criticized by the authorities for his nationalist tendencies and fell victim to censorship after the fall of Struensee . The occasion was a mutiny by the Royal Norwegian Life Guards on Christmas Eve 1771, when they were informed that they would be disbanded and the soldiers should be distributed to other units. She achieved an honorable farewell and the soldiers were hailed as Norwegian patriots.

When Brun was already bishop in Bergen, it was secretly printed in Christiansand in 1785 without Brun's knowledge and distributed in Trondheim, which made him suspect of disloyalty.

The song quickly became very popular in Norway. It was the first text to be freely printed in 1814. During the liberation movement at the beginning of the 19th century, it was considered the unofficial national anthem of Norway. As such, it was replaced by " Sønner av Norge " in 1819 after the separation from Denmark . The poet Henrik Wergeland called the song the Norwegian Marseillaise .

The song is written in Danish , but is usually sung with a Norwegian accent, what was then known as dannet dagligtale (educated everyday language, or Danish-Norwegian).


For Norge, Kjæmpers Fødeland,
Vi denne Skaal vil tømme,
Og naar vi først faae Blod paa trinket,
Vi sødt om Frihed drømme;
Dog vaagne vi vel op engang
Og bryde Lænker, Baand og Tvang;
For Norge, Kjæmpers Fødeland,
Vi denne Skaal udtømme!

Hver tapper Helt, blandt Klipper fød,
Vi drikke vil til Ære;
Hver ærlig Norsk, som Lænker brød,
Skal evig elsket være!
Den vrede Livvagts Vaabenbrag
Forklarer trolig Nordmænds Sag.
Hver ærlig Norsk, blandt Klipper fød,
Vi drikke nu til Ære!

En Skaal for Dig, min kjække Ven,
Og for de norske Piger!
Og har you en, saa Skaal for the!
Og Skam faae den, som sviger!
Og Skam faae den, som elsker Tvang
Og hader Piger, Viin og Sang!
En Skaal for Dig min kjække Ven,
Og for de norske Piger!

Og nok en Skaal for Norges Fjeld,
For Klipper, Snee and Bakker!
Hør Dovre's Echo raabe: «Hero!»
For scales tre gang takker.
Yes, there should be all fields
For Norges Sonner raabe hero;
Endnu en Skaal for Dig with Fjeld,
For Klipper, Snee and Bakker

See also