Standard frequency and time signal radio service via satellite

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GTS module on board the ISS with cosmonaut Vladimir Deschurow

The standard frequency and time signal-satellite service ( English standard frequency and time signal-satellite service is) as defined by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in the Radio Regulations , a radio service that serves the same purpose as the standard frequency and time signal radio service , which for these Purposes, however, space stations are used on board Earth satellites .

One example is the Global Transmission Services 2 (GTS-2) experiment . In practice, however, the signals from GNSS satellites are used for this purpose due to the ubiquitous availability (cf. GPS-synchronized oscillator ).


The VO Funk categorizes this radio service as follows:

Frequency ranges

ITU regions
  • Region 1
  • Region 2
  • Region 3
  • This radio service is available in ITU region 1 and in particular on German territory u. a. the following frequency ranges are available:

    Assignment to radio services according to VO radio
    Germany Users comment
    SATELLITE (400.1 MHz)
    civil. civil use
    5 31
    406 25.25-25.5 GHz Standard frequency and time signal service
    via satellites (direction earth-space)
    civil. 5 31 34
    407 25.5-26.5 GHz Standard frequency and time signal service
    via satellites (direction earth-space)
    civil. 5 31 43
    408 26.5-27 GHz Standard frequency and time signal service
    via satellites (direction earth-space)
    mil. military use
    5 31 34
    Note on spelling ...

    See also

    Web links

    Individual evidence

    1. VO Funk, Article 1.54, 2012 edition
    2. Uppercase : primary assignment
    3. D261: The emissions must be kept within the limits of ± 25 kHz of the standard frequency 400.1 MHz.
    4. 5: ISM applications can also use frequency ranges that are assigned to radio services in the frequency range 9 kHz - 300 GHz if the frequencies required for this use are specified due to the desired physical effect and cannot be freely selected. The limit values ​​of the permissible radiation and other parameters relevant to interference for these ISM applications are specified in the required frequency allocation from the point of view of radio compatibility. The ISM usage according to this usage provision must not cause any interference with other radio systems and radio services currently and in the future. The shared use of frequencies by ISM applications in frequency ranges that are dedicated to safety-relevant radio applications is excluded.
    5. 31: The frequency ranges above 30 MHz can also be used by radio systems with the lowest power. When selecting the frequency ranges, the increased protection requirements of safety-relevant radio applications must be guaranteed. The frequency ranges, limit values ​​of the permissible radiated power and other interference-relevant parameters of radio systems with the lowest power are specified in the frequency plan or the required frequency allocation. Low-power radio systems must not cause any interference in other radio systems and radio services currently and in the future to which the corresponding frequency ranges are assigned on a primary or secondary basis. Interference from these other radio systems and radio services must be accepted by radio systems with the lowest power.
    6. 34: The frequency range 21.65 - 26.65 GHz may also be used by short-range motor vehicle radars. The joint use is limited until December 31, 2021.