Norra Idskär

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Norra Idskär, view from the north

Norra Idskär is an island belonging to Sweden in the Stockholm archipelago .

The island belongs to the municipality of Vaxholm . To the northwest lies Risholmen , northeast Bergholmen , southeast Södra Idskär and south Kungarna . The shipping route from the Baltic Sea to Stockholm runs north and south of Norra Idskär .

The island extends from northwest to southeast over about 190 meters, with a width of up to 80 meters. There are several jetties on the southeast side of the island.

Norra Idskär has several buildings and is partly wooded. There is a boat school on the island. It consists of a two-storey holiday home from around 1920 with a fireplace, four bedrooms on the upper floor and a meeting room for 40 people on the top floor. There are also various other smaller holiday homes.

Individual evidence

  1. Homepage of the school (Swedish)

Coordinates: 59 ° 22 '  N , 18 ° 23'  E