North Caribou Lake

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North Caribou Lake
Geographical location Kenora District in Ontario (Canada)
Tributaries Nango River , Donelly River
Drain North Caribou River
Islands Terry Island, Kincaid Island, Dover Island, Hood Island
Coordinates 52 ° 46 ′  N , 90 ° 44 ′  W Coordinates: 52 ° 46 ′  N , 90 ° 44 ′  W
North Caribou Lake (Ontario)
North Caribou Lake
Altitude above sea level 299  m
surface 328 km²
length 45 km
Template: Infobox See / Maintenance / EVIDENCE AREA

The North Caribou Lake is a lake in Kenora District in the northwest of the Canadian province of Ontario .

North Caribou Lake has an area of ​​328 km². It lies at an altitude of about 300  m . The lake is drained from the North Caribou River west to Weagamow Lake and on to the Windigo River . Larger tributaries are the Nango River and Donelly River . The lake is divided into a larger north-eastern and a smaller south-western basin.

The secluded lake is a good fishing spot for glass ey perch and pike .

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