Nucleus CMS

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Nucleus CMS
Basic data

developer The Nucleus Group (Wouter Demuynck)
Current  version 3.70
(September 22, 2014)
operating system platform independent
programming language PHP
category Content management system
License GPL ( Free Software )

Nucleus CMS is a free web content management system (CMS), licensed under the GNU General Public License , written in PHP and using a MySQL database. It was first written and maintained by Wouter Demuynck. It is used to run blogs .

A spin-off from the Nucleus CMS is Blog: CMS , which already contains several templates (“skins”) and plugins.

In June 2014, the further development of Nucleus CMS was stopped.


Nucleus CMS was mainly written by Wouter Demuynck during his computer science studies. In January 2000 Demuynck used a blog from . After a while he wanted a comment function and wrote a PHP script for it. He later expanded the script to use multiple blogs on one page.

Numerous third-party authors have created plug-ins that extend the functionality of the system. The recommended, so-called "essential" plug-ins include a spam filter , trackback -Reception, embedding external RSS - web feeds or calendar and survey functions.


Nucleus CMS regularly receives good reviews and, for example, tends to be rated better by users of the opensourceCMS archive than its widespread competitor WordPress .

Various web hosts offer Nucleus CMS optionally as a pre-installed web log system.

In a 2007 O'Reilly publication for Internet publishing, Nucleus was next to z. B. Movable Type and Textpattern are counted among the most popular blog systems.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Nucleus CMS at opensourceCMS .
  2. ^ Moritz Sauer: Weblogs, Podcasting and Online Journalism. O'Reilly, Cologne December 2006. ISBN 978-3-89721-458-3 . There, p. 4: "The most famous blog systems include Movable Type, Nucleus CMS, Textpattern, Plog, Drupal, pMachine, blosxom, Serendipity and the WordPress presented in this book."