Numerus Burgariorum et Veredariorum

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The Numerus Burgariorum et Veredariorum ( German  Numerus der Burgarii and Veredarii ) was a Roman auxiliary unit . It is documented by inscriptions.

The nominal strength of the unit is unknown; however, it was probably well below the number of staff in a cohort .

Name components

  • Burgariorum et Veredariorum : the Burgarii and Veredarii . A Burgarius was a soldier who was part of the crew of a watchtower (Latin Burgus ). A veredarius was a mail or messenger rider . According to Marcus Reuter , they were likely to have been simple foot soldiers or horsemen who had been assigned to this number from regular auxiliary units.


The number is evidenced by the inscriptions ( CIL 3, 13795 , CIL 3, 13796 ), both of which were found in Racovița in what is now Romania and which are dated to 138 and 140 AD respectively.


Locations of the numerus in Dacia inferior were:

  • Racovița : The inscriptions ( CIL 3, 13795 , CIL 3, 13796 ) were found here. The second inscription shows that the soldiers of Numerus expanded the camp due to the limited space available.

Members of the number

Members of the number are not known.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Marcus Reuter : Studies on the numbers of the Roman Army in the Middle Imperial Era, dissertation, In: Reports of the Roman-Germanic Commission 80, 1999, pp. 359–569, here pp. 467–469.